SoMa 501 Biz Spotlight: FEW

Crafting Digital Wonders in SoMa: The Few Journey

In the bustling heart of the SoMa district, where innovation meets culture, Few stands tall as an award-winning software agency dedicated to building digital experiences that captivate and inspire. From custom mobile apps to animated and interactive online wonders, Few's team of creative humans is on a mission to craft software that people not only use but genuinely love.

SoMa: A Vibrant Canvas of Creativity

Few's love for SoMa is palpable. In a community brimming with wonder and collaboration, Few finds itself at home. SoMa's vibrancy mirrors Few's own ethos of creativity and innovation, making it the perfect backdrop for the remarkable work they produce. It's more than just a location; it's a symbiotic relationship, a shared spirit that fuels the agency's passion.

Choosing SoMa as Home

Few is more than a software agency; it's a progressive and inclusive organization at its core. The decision to call SoMa home wasn't arbitrary but a strategic alignment of values. SoMa's diverse and forward-thinking atmosphere resonates with Few's commitment to pushing the boundaries of creative technology. It's a conscious choice to be where the future is unfolding.

The Evolution of Few: From "Few" to a Creative Force

Few's journey began with just a handful of individuals obsessed with merging creativity and technology. Today, with a team of 30+ wildly talented humans, Few has evolved into a creative force to be reckoned with. Gratitude flows for the opportunity to contribute to Arkansas's creative tech scene, and the agency envisions a future of sustained growth and impact.

Shaping the Future: Putting Arkansas on the Creative Tech Map

Few's vision extends beyond its own success. The goal is to put Arkansas on the map for creative tech talent. This involves a commitment to continuous growth, hiring more talented individuals, and empowering them to do their best work. As Few expands, the agency remains steadfast in its dedication to investing in the community that has been an integral part of its journey.

Conclusion: A Symphony of Creativity in SoMa

In conclusion, Few isn't merely a software agency; it's a symphony of creativity and technology harmonizing in the dynamic landscape of SoMa. The blog post only scratches the surface of Few's journey, and the agency looks forward to the chapters yet to be written in collaboration with the vibrant and innovative community that is SoMa. As Few continues to thrive, it leaves an indelible mark, shaping the future of creative tech in Arkansas and beyond. 

Chloe Kelley